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LionSong Groups are for connecting with others who are also waking up, healing, and reclaiming their creative powers.

Meeting, connecting, and playing with others in a safe setting helps us learn how to belong again as our true selves.

Come as you are. LionSong holds equal value for any & all skill levels, backgrounds, experiences & orientations.

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Guided encounters with the inner wild.


Creative Babies is a verbal process/support group - a nurturing & celebratory space to connect with other creators, makers and dreamers.

Each week centers on a creative inquiry exercise that spurs insights about your creative yearnings, projects, and processes. Leave with inspiration, creative fuel, and a sense of shared experience.

This group helps creators, makers, doers, re-thinkers & dreamers by providing community support to birth our creative babies into this world.

Variable dates. Contact me to express your interest in joining our next round. $144/month, 4 group sessions



Alchemy is an expressive arts therapy group, which means that it’s part verbal process and part creative exercises. This group engages the alchemy of creativity for the purposes of healing, waking up and living a good life in spite of it all.

Each week’s healing theme gets deeply spelunked with humor and tenderness via creative process experiments in one or more arts channels (writing, visuals, movement, sound, etc).

This group helps awakening people use their inborn creative powers for personal healing and support, in the context of supportive community witness.

Variable dates. Contact me to express your interest in joining our next round. $144/month, 4 group sessions


CoCreation is pure creative collaboration. In this group space we play together as artists in real time to build art “pieces” (performances, songs, visuals, events) that are always completed and gone forever after the end of the group.

Using the different creative channels - sound/silence/music, visual expression, writing & speech, body & movement - each group is a deep, meditative, unitive, and creative epic.

For anyone seeking to build powers of ease in the unknown, in journeying more comfortably and happily in the creative flow zone, in trusting self, others, and process.

Variable dates. Contact me to express your interest in joining our next round. $144/month, 4 group sessions



Show and Tell is a supportive community space for sharing creative work, works in progress, and for practicing/playing around with receiving attention and “audience” in a safe and nurturing way.

We all need to be seen and cheered on, to have our vulnerabilities looked out for & delicately witnessed, and to have a chance to show our big shininess in the presence of safe others.

This group follows an open mic format - presenters sign up in the beginning and time is divided amongst presenters.

Variable dates. Contact me to express your interest in joining our next round. FREE


This improv play group is a safe, protected space for connecting with one other through play, silliness, drama, and theater games within a context of healing, awakening intent.

For beginners and advanced art-players and improvisers alike, this is a space for relaxing, forgetting about the heavy stuff and working through our waking up themes through play, movement, and foolishness.

Intended as a safe space for the shy and more introverted characters in our community of awakeners as well, this is meant as a high safety, low risk context for recovering the ability to play.

Variable dates. Contact me to express your interest in joining our next round. $144/month, 4 group sessions