

It’s hard to hold down everything at the same time. And it’s hard to be fond of so much. So you close it down in your heart. You closed it down in your heart.

Yes you know you don’t think of yourself as particularly loving, and you feel a lot of pressure to be more loving. But if loving is what you’re after, try being loving about your dying laughter.

The way you felt these last years, you were hoping there were no more chapters in this book of life, no more chapters in the book.

Can you be loving about that, as well as everything else? Your lack of love was a sign that you were disconnected.

And there’s no lack of love on our part, we know you feel us in your heart. There’s no lack of love on our part. We know you feel us in our heart. It is our heart, darling, we share it together.

And we are connected more than birds of a feather. We are moving plasma lights behind space weather. And we are moving through you, aqua feathers. Blue green feathered shield we are. Pieces of the krysthal star we are. And you know deep inside what you are. You know deep inside what you are!

So yes, we’re One. We are a family of suns. We are pieces of the One. We are the sun behind the sun. And you are our beloved one.

You land on those dark notes still, they’re buzzing in your sound. Yes, you land on those dark notes darling, and they resound. They resound as they go round and round. They resound as they ring into the clouds. They go round but as they do they are absorbed back into you. And they lose their darkness, yes they do.

They are absorbed back into your sweet sound, and they feel they’re coming home.

You are bringing back the dark notes by love, by love.

Holly Mae Haddock