LionSong Values

LionSong is purposed to help any of us sincerely longing to live the principle of oneness with all of life to move towards more grounded experiences of unity consciousness.

At the same time, LionSong fiercely celebrates our individuality, autonomy, originality, and the inherent richness of diversity.

LionSong acknowledges that life is at times gruesome and gritty, at times joyful and exquisite. LionSong is integrative in nature and includes all aspects of aliveness.

LionSong seeks to open channels of contact between us and our highest source selves, returning us to inner connectedness and reunification.

LionSong aims to mend broken connections in community, bring split off fragments home, and unify polarities, for the purpose of restoring oneness in our collective as well as within our own individual universes.

LionSong defends the rights of all beings to be who and what we are by nature, to play, to express ourselves, to be heard in our unique perspectives, to heed the voices inside us, to pay more attention to that which feels alive and interesting now than that which has been proven by others, and in general to live, love, play, create, dissolve, rebuild, and discover in a state of ceaseless process and flow.  


Thumbnail image reverently appropriated from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, illustrated by Nancy Ekholm Burkert