Negative Entities
Authentic parts of us, splinters of our true self, can be dialogued with no matter how wild and uncontrollable they initially seem. Process play helps contain and neutralize the violent, destructive, and disordered impulses of our most rageful and damaged parts.
However, there are apparently also some dark forces to be aware of, who are not our parts, but who may nevertheless try to interact with us during our process play or elsewhere in our lives. Similar in vibe to the concept of the Pain Body popularized by Eckhart Tolle, sometimes there is something that has ahold of you that’s really not on your side.
If you sense such a negative force energy hanging around you, it probably needs to be recognized, called out, and cleared out, rather than dialogued with. (Clarissa Pinkola Estés has an excellent chapter in Women Who Run with the Wolves, about dealing with predator forces.)
In my personal experience & research into what others have discovered, there is definitely a dark side to the psychic world, and sometimes larger collectives, or fields of negative entities, try to influence us for a variety of reasons. In some cases they may even enter into our beings temporarily through holes, tears and weaknesses in our energetic integrity. In places where we have been hurt, they are sometimes able to breach us and temporarily rule us.
When we are distracted or depleted energetically, negative energies may try seizing one of our traumatized fragments and amplifying it, to flush us with negative emotion, which negative energies feed off of. This tactic works especially well if we are unconscious of that part and do not yet know it as our own trauma splinter, because then we get confused and don’t know how to reclaim the part of us the negative energy is possessing. In this way, a negative entity takes advantage of our own most shattering pain - the pain of being fragmented into bits in the first place - and uses it against us.
Fortunately once we are aware of the possibility that it's a negative entity bothering us, we can learn to protect ourselves. We do not have to tolerate dark force presences nor their attempts to invade us.
If we can build up enough trust with Source, we can ask Source and benevolent forces (I use the word Guardians) directly to clear negative energies. There are also many resources for learning what’s called “psychic self-defense” that we can apply ourselves. A combination of asking for higher help and doing whatever I am able to to protect myself is what has worked best for me.
A simple form of this is to say out loud "You have no power over me" or “I am not in consent with this” to whatever it is that is bothering you. If you repeat such a phrase in your own words enough times and with enough heartfelt conviction, a negative energy will have to leave, because the actual truth is that the only power negative entities have over us is power we have been tricked into giving them.
Saying out loud that you don’t give your consent helps your body and all the parts within you feel safe. Even if the attack doesn’t stop immediately, over time you will grow stronger in relation to the attacking force and it will have less sway.
Honestly it's like in the movie Labyrinth, when Jennifer Connoly says to David Bowie the Goblin King, "You have no power over me" three times and then he is forced to disappear. If you hang in there and keep asserting what you know, that this entity is not allowed to attack you, and you see it and you are not tolerating it, you are not agreeing to it, it will eventually lose power and leave. Like a raging storm, it will go on for a little while but you can wait it out, knowing that it will pass, and each time you do that, it strengthens you.
No one deserves dark force interference and attack. But if it does appear in your experience, do know that you're not alone, this is common though not always named and understood in this exact way.
Most of all, I want you to know that you do have allies and support for receiving universal aid that will protect you and keep you safe and whole if you want that. Freedom, peace, and deep safety are ours for the asking.
Thumbnail image reverently appropriated from Ruth Heller's Animals Born Alive and Well.