Spiritual Ascension, aka Spiritual Embodiment
LionSong is informed about & dedicated to a spiritual ascension/spiritual embodiment context, as it reveals in each person’s experience as an organic consciousness unfoldment for them.
I am generally aware, prepped, and advised of the issues affecting starseeds and indigos, and familiar with the model of planetary/galactic/universal/cosmic ascension from the Guardian Host perspective.
Embodying our big free pristine Self, our God-nature, is an inherent possibility for any organic human. All of us have the Inner Wild within us, latent as a consciousness acorn that will sprout later, as a sapling visibly greening in us now, or even as a spreading, sheltering tree here and now in this physical realm.
Many layers of confusion & distortion obscure the true meaning of krystal or kristos consciousness. When I say krysthal, or krysthalla (also in the songs and chants and so on) I am always talking about a consciousness structure/level of our ultimately shared being, and not a church-defined savior figure or an individual person from history.
Starseeds and indigos are the family of beings who are, like me, called to the work of reuniting all of life’s many expressions of being so that we may all be freed of the negative and enslaving forces that have commandeered our individual beings here in these lower density realms. (All that has an interest in starseeds not sprouting, not growing into saplings and trees, needs to be met and dealt with, for us to move forward as a species).
Ascension work is challenging material and not for everyone, and typically those drawn to it feel inexplicably compelled by it, while those for whom it is not intended, more or less, will find it unappealing. If ascension context rings your bells, you likely already know it. I trust whatever your response to it is, and we can talk about it or not talk about it.
If you are new to the concepts of ascension, perhaps all you need to know to understand this piece is this: everything I share, and also my own personal self as a being and practitioner, are intended to exist in natural organic alignment, honoring the laws of one which recognize that we are all, ultimately, one being. In its broadest definition, ascension is about the gradual rediscovery of that level of our reality as a lived experience, not only a concept.
That means also doing our best to learn about and honor the organic architecture of consciousness. The ordering principle/structure/blueprint which you could say that Source/nature grew for us to have our consciousness experiences of relative difference from one another within. Ascension work also involves disentanglement from the false, inorganic architecture and its sourcing, the fallen level of being that enslaves consciousness for parasitic purposes.
I personally resonate to the work of the Energetic Synthesis community (who steward the ascension glossary, & who represent what they call the Guardian perspective). I am not an expert on the matter, rather a fellow awakener/resonator to this perspective and I have been learning about it and from it since it appeared into my experience in 2012.
As someone who finds ascension work highly resonant, I can assure that does NOT mean that my ego personality level of being was or is now fully ready to understand, accept, or in any way quickly get used to the enormity of the ascension journey. It is beyond conceptualizing!
My ego never wanted me to be the type of person who subscribes to this type of stuff. Nevertheless, here I am, with a literal subscription to this type of stuff.
So it goes! As life unfolds out of us, it does not go according to ego’s extremely restrictive, controlling plans and intentions to stay in line with the socially engineered programming we’ve all been shaped by. And I am so, so, SO glad that it does not.
I have come to understand that my personal purpose on planet is connected to uniting the arts with ascension; looking at the many ways that art making is a relevant and sacred practice for the waking up process. In the ascension context, the arts are a path to joy & solace - a resource on the journey of consciousness transformation. Joined with the intention to wake up out of the dysfunctional dreams of severing and separation, creativity is a safe, strong vessel that ferries us back to source, that rebonds us to that which gives us our life.
Thank you for reading!