Soothing sound pieces
In the search for music I can listen to without distraction, interruption, or dysregulation, I sometimes make my own. This is a bit like preparing food at home, making sure it has only my own, clean ingredients.
There is joy in being fed by others, artistically and otherwise. Sourcing my own sound ingredients, all the same, allows me to make something that’s just right for my body.
Cooking up music in this way is a regulating activity, stimulating the senses and activating the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system, as all music does, through the activation of sensorimotor pathways of movement, listening, and vocalizing.
My invitation to you today: in whatever way works best for you - recording a piece on your phone, making a bigger project in a digital audio workstation, or just creating a natural, one-time piece in the now, create a soothing sound piece of around 3-5 minutes.
Tip: It might be helpful to think of someone to whom you would like to gift the healing, soothing qualities of your song.
My examples below, as always, thank you for listening!
~Holly Mae
If something within you responded to this post, you might also enjoy the invitation to create singalong chants.
All syllables used in the chants above were introduced to me by the work of Lisa Renee ( Special thank you also to my dear Maria Alice (