
LionSong is especially dedicated to supporting artists, healers, and artist/healers. Artist/healers are people who are drawn both to creative work and to serving in a healing or service role of some kind, whatever form either of those practices take.

Neither the artist part nor the healer part has to be officially recognized, formally educated, accredited, or in any other way acknowledged by society for it to count. Only the individual him/her/themself can say whether they are any or all of these things.

Nor does it matter if a person is more healer than artist, or vice versa. (Many people have a hard time calling themselves “artists”, but relax when we use the word “creative” instead, but, you know, a rose by any other name…).

It’s not about what you’ve accomplished on the outside, it’s about what type of animal you are. Being an artist healer is not an achievement, it’s a way of relating to life.

To give you a hint what artist/healers are like: they tend to be heart-based people who feel a sense of magnetism around activating and realizing their deepest longings and visions for a better world and a personal place within it.

They are often creative across multiple channels, nature-loving, mystic, or visionary. They might find themselves working as community builders, alternative healers, and system busters. Sensitive souls, artists, rebels, survivors of the mental health system, people in recovery, and starseeds/indigos - many of these people are artist/healers in their true nature.

Artist/healers are usually ill at ease with the way things are in our world. They often feel deeply about the arts, cinema and music. They might be curious about restructuring the inner architecture of our reality, reimagining society. They might long for depth, color, fullness and meaning, and dream of a more connected life in spite of everything that discourages them.

Below you can find qualities that describe many artist/healers. If you do not see yourself reflected here, you are still warmly welcome. If you feel a genuine resonance with this site, that is reason enough. This is only a guide.

My hope is that by sharing these intentions, I can help my people find their way to me, and likewise help any who would be better served by another healer, to find their way to their ideal practitioner.


Artist/Healers may be:

-People who feel a strong calling to be an artist or creator in some form. Doesn’t matter whether this is more latent than manifest potential, can be merely a resonance with the archetype of artist/visionary/creator.

If you struggle to claim the title “artist” for yourself, as many of us do, please be assured this question is not whether or not you are talented or successful, or whether or not anyone else would think of you as a “legitimate” artist, but rather whether YOU feel resonance and connection to the role of artist, the arts themselves, to aesthetics, creation, expression, and artistry (only you can answer this question for yourself).

-People who feel a strong calling to heal themselves and/or humanity, possibly also on the planetary collective level. This can include animals, nature, children, families, organizations, etc. May have worked in a “healer” capacity (therapist, teacher, facilitator, etc) or simply found themselves supporting others as a good friend  

-People whose purpose in life is to be a channel, mouthpiece, transducer, or transmitter for a muse or higher vision that they long to bring into the world (again, doesn’t matter whether there has been external “success” in this or not yet)

-People who are aesthetically sensitive or especially enjoy and respond well to images, colors, stories, music, symbols, metaphors, archetypes, etc

-People who use art for personal process, discovery, inner healing, and/or manifestation (journaling, drawing, movement, music, etc) in addition to creating any “serious works of art”

-People who want to play with others through art, who enjoy (or long to be able to enjoy) connecting with and encountering others through creativity of some form: improv, singing, playing games, making films or performances, playing music together, dancing, etc.

-People going through dark nights of the soul, ego dismantling process, breakdown-to-breakthrough, or crisis, possibly including depression, addiction, mental or physical health crises, relationship problems, deep questioning of identity and purpose in the world, separations, endings, etc

-People who are or have been labeled, hurt, marginalized, ostracized, victimized, oppressed, suppressed, or may feel different from their families and in general from the mainstream

-People who relate to the archetype of seeker (often not satisfied with what is, frequently looking for something deeper, more real, more meaningful or connected, etc), and/or Maji/white magician (interested in the magical qualities of perception and experience, or how inner alignment and perspectives create the outer world of experience, for the purposes of supporting unity and human liberation)

-People who are radical in their visions of a more loving world. People who long to connect with others in a more deep and authentic way, and possibly even fantasize about working or living in community together in a more collaborative, co-creative way than currently exists in our society. People who feel there’s something deeply wrong with our current society and way of relating to each other, and ardently wish it were different - more gentle, more humane, sensitive, loving, connected, authentic, whatever.

-People who are drawn to the contexts or language of awakening, spirituality, inner work, activating higher sensory perception, intuitive capacities, and higher potential. May include the sensation that they are here to activate a higher purpose and/or planetary collective “mission” in some way. People called to develop their personal connection with Source, God/dess, the Tao, the divine, the field, unity consciousness, nature, or any of the many names for the one life force dwelling in us all


Thumbnail image reverently appropriated from Ruth Heller's Animals Born Alive and Well.