LionSong belongs to Source, organic unity consciousness. This site and my healing practice are dedicated to serving Source and to helping the natural self within each of us to embody here in this world.
The natural self is the wild pristine spirit we are, the expression of Source that has our unique imprint, who, when not interfered with or oppressed and in the right conditions, rises to the surface of our lives to be embodied.
I understand longings and aches, passionate hunger for more real, satisfying living, unwanted crises and embarrassing symptoms as evidence of the call to deeper, wilder life, a life more in alignment with the truth of who we are by nature.
When our dysfunctions and wounds are up for us, that is a sign that our larger, more real presence is trying to emerge into the physical world through us, and that it is time to heal and resolve the old misalignments, to help the natural self arrive.
LionSong is also dedicated, therefore, to helping our hurt parts, characters, fragments, these necessary pieces of us, who at first seem to be problems but actually reveal themselves to be cherished strands of our own whole spirit, to come back into unity in alignment with Source’s natural laws so they can be embodied.
Helping our whole spirits to embody unified again benefits us all.
LionSong is dedicated to all who sincerely, humbly, messily, imperfectly, and courageously undertake this heroic task. Thank you for being here with us!
Illustration reverently appropriated from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, by Nancy Ekholm Burkert