Dream Conservation

A way to deepen dream work is to to take any portion of your dream that you can consciously recall, and turn it into a song.

Singing your dream images, words and memories is very evocative and anchoring, and will preserve your dream images for you forever, like a bee in amber.

Even without words, the process of translation into music is a form of dream conservation.

My Invitation to You:

Take a piece of your dream that strikes you, and make a simple, repetitive song out of it.

In my example below I took the sense/memory/image from a dream of floating in an ocean and not worrying about what was happening to my body.

I used this “not caring what happens to my body” sense/experience/dream fragment to build the following song scrap.

You can think of it as a song start (and of course if you want and the inspiration catches ahold, you may want to make a complete piece). Mine stayed at the sketch level.

Suggested process:

  1. Write out the whole dream, everything you can recall

  2. Highlight any themes, images and experiences that are especially resonant and evocative to you. Spend as much time as you like unpacking the gift of the dream

  3. Either moving directly to an instrument and improvising, or taking a pre-step to fashion some lyrics, make a song fragment out of your dream fragment. Voice and lyrics are options but not necessities.

The Dream I Made

Thanks for reading, beloved