
Soul-called people become sharply aware of personal suffering as the ego shell cracks to hatch the deeper wilder self.

Suffering may mean finding inner or outer circumstances to be unbearable, meaningless, draining, or defeating. 

Some of us may grapple with symptoms - soul signals - that we can't decrypt. Others know exactly what we want to create in this world and how we wish we could be, but struggle with following through in a consistent or effective way.

The called may find that as they do the courageous work of responding to the song from their own deep soul, they are overwhelmed with exasperating psychological and somatic symptoms.

Troublesome entities and energies create inner world obstacles, such as feelings of unhappiness, guilt, or powerlessness, and outer world problems like conflicts or “failures” in family and work life.

Symptoms may show up as self-doubt, paralyzing shame, traumatic stress, depression, confusion about identity, relationship struggles, difficulty interacting with society and systems as it currently stands, and problems making a living while being true to oneself.

Isolation, insecurity, self-rejection, and life at the mercy of psychological demons who seem to have more control over our lives than we do can bring us to the blessed point of ego surrender that is the gateway into soul birthing.

As we open to a wonderful, larger collective of Source Self streaming into our life, that's when we discover that this suffering is an activation, and not the punishment, failure, or bad luck we took it to be. 

If you need help with this all-important, ego-unraveling, soul-fulfilling odyssey, I am available for dedicated session work and would be honored to work at your side. 


Thumbnail image reverently appropriated from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, illustrated by Nancy Ekholm Burkert