Twelve Healing Themes
Here are twelve aspects of the path to reunion with unity consciousness which can be supported well by creative process play. Not intended to be a comprehensive list.
1. Discovering the presence of benevolent forces. Can be a personal higher Source Self, who is the version of us most connected to the inner wild, and/or Guardian Teams and families who are dedicated to helping us reconnect to the inner wild and complete our life’s work.
2. Learning to discern the signature feeling of the inner wild, our Guardian Teams, and our personal higher Source Self, as they show up in different sensory and creative channels, as well as how to tell when what we’re tapping into isn’t a benevolent force but rather a deceitful presence posing as one for its own gain.
3. Developing clear, reliable pathways for communicating with our highest Source Selves, our Teams, and the inner wild, and practicing tuning in through those pathways.
4. Developing a loving relationship among all the parts and presences that belong to the “family within us”, so that we can experience more peace, inner harmony and joy at the center of them all, reunifying them ultimately into the inner wild.
5. Supporting and compassionately witnessing dark nights of the soul (the gradual erosion of identification with the main inauthentic identity, the programmed negative ego).
6. Learning to interpret our soul’s code – our personalized missions on this planet.
7. Reinforcing the compassion, courage, curiosity, commitment and grit within that helps us be authentic and congruent to our nature and the inner wild whether or not other people get it.
8. Relationship skills for maintaining connection to the truth of who and what we are while connecting deeply with others (differentiation).
9. Healing the pain of our inner fragmentation and the pain carried by individual parts, restoring relationship among them, thereby helping to release figures from inverted, negative expressions through shadow work.
10. Dissolving trauma configurations and freeing the life energy that has been trapped there.
11. Deliverance from bondage to negative spirits of addiction, obsession, compulsion, mental disturbances and trauma-reenactment patterns. Recovering vulnerable parts and handing them back to the inner wild for healing, protection and reintegration into the oneness.
12. Psychic self-defense/protection against being hijacked and derailed by forces that want to stop us from activating.
for many more resources and context for this perspective, please reference the ascension glossary
Thumbnail image reverently appropriated from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, illustrated by Nancy Ekholm Burkert