Recording an Album-WIPs
I am currently in the process of a new album of music.
My previous albums live on bandcamp as Holly Mae and the Painted Room and Team Bright. The Painted Room albums were all collaborations where my only role was to write songs, play guitar and sing, and all else was created by my beloved collaborators. My one Team Bright album, Auguries, was a solo endeavor, and a learning assignment to do all of it myself from start to finish, because I wanted to have more autonomy as a creator.
I am currently still in solo mode but hoping to draw in collaborators when the moment is ripe for it. At the current stage, I am still working on foundations of the songs themselves, in some cases still writing or finalizing lyrics, and in a few cases, still uncovering their melodic & harmonic structures.
I decided to put up some works in progress from my upcoming project here, as a way of supporting myself and allowing in the possibility of supportive visibility for this, as sometimes I lose heart partway through. I feel that to place these pieces here in their current state will feel supportive to me, as LionSong is a container for imperfections, flow, and the reminder for me and for all that all creativity is always process. I also have the thought that perhaps some creators out there will enjoy to hear music that is not completed, but fully in the state of becoming, and to take this as encouragement.
In this album I am planning to take a couple of the songs that actually originally came out during improvisation as lionsongs, and to turn them into more stable, repeatable compositions. That’s the idea currently, anyway.
I like these scratches, or drafts of songs that will eventually be in the next album. Some of them feel more towards a state of rest as complete, and some feel more in flux.
My invitation to you, dear creators: share some works in progress with someone safe who will not critique you but look with the eyes of love (same way you would look at a little lion cub, knowing full well it will indeed one day become a full grown magnificence, that there is nothing wrong with it being in the stage it is in right now). To make yourself feel extra safe, you may like to emphasize to the person you share with that you require support & believing eyes/ears/compassionate witness, and that critiques and challenges may be for a different stage. Take care of yourself by choosing someone who will love you no matter what and will treat your work with love and tenderness.
I also invite you to send your WIPs to me: